Wednesday, June 27, 2007
HI GUYS! So sorry i had been really really really really busy with my stuffs recently to update. WELL, i promised SOMEBODY THAT I WOULD WRITE SOMETHING SO i'm just writing here to let you guys know that i'm still around ya. Alright what i'm busy with? HEHE i'll let you guys know on my next post. For now, just wait on till my next post alright! see you guys around. There, updated.
*Signs Off*
because you make me feel special.
;11:08 AM;
Friday, June 8, 2007
To Prove That I'm Better At Art
Hello morning people, As you guys know, Denny put up some drawings of his during attachement time. DAMM HIM! He thinks he's good at it. Come on Denny your drawing sucks. You just don't know your limits right. You should know by now that my drawing's better than you, It's even better in Paint. To Prove to you, i just drew one using all my strength and skills. Now, FEAST YOURSELF ON MY ART.
DENNY ACCEPT DEFEAT!! Fancy you getting an A = Atrocious for art. Mine's F = Fantastic all right. HAHA, okay nothing to do.
Cheers =)
*Signs Off*
because you make me feel special.
;12:02 PM;
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Attachment Back at Ecquaria.
Great night isn't it people? Anyway, i woke up late today and was late for work! MAN, because there was nobody to give me morning calls anymore. All right, i shall start sleeping early again the following days to come. Hehe. All right, did i tell you guys that my company's name is called Ecquaria? Which also kinda means Aquarium. Interesting company though, their rooms are all named after fishes ( Biggest meeting room would be named the Great White, others would be dolphin, star fish, puffer fish ). It's a java prioritised company and man i suck at java. Lucky break for me, i'm not doing java in there this time, my job there now would be just to change the templates and font sizes of the whole chunk of documentation but i'm located at the health promotion board instead of the main office Ecquaria.WAAA I TELL YOU, life at HPB can not only kill me, but take my soul away just like how jack sparrow was taken in pirates of the carribean 3 ( A little review: it's a very very good show, please go catch that if you haven the slightest nut idea about it. A little warning though, it would be better to watch and understand pirates of the carribean 1 & 2 or you'll be in The Lost World. Trust me on that ) . It's DAMMMMMM and DAMMMMM times infinite DAMMMM boring, so when i went back to Ecquaria today, i felt that working in Ecquaria was much better afterall. Okay so after work today, i went to meet my sisters and gang, again, to catch pirates of the carribean 3, again, and had fun, again. Afterwhich, sam called me just right after the credits rolled, haha! Had a mini conversation with her and hung up quick, i guess i hafta start getting used to her not calling anymore ya? After that? Nothing much, We squeezed into Max's car and reached home about now. Alright then, that's about it good night people. *Signs Off*
because you make me feel special.
;11:59 PM;
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
First Start, Hope It Goes On.
Okay since i changed my blog song and i'm here so i decided to blog about today and alittle update too. I've now completed my final year project AT LAST! But now i'm doing attachment and i'm freaking dying of boredom. So this is how work life really is. God, this is only the second week and i seriously can't imagine the rest of the 10 weeks. In FYP, we do everything together, eat together, go library together, went out together, SUBWAY together, Sleep........ OKAY NO. Not that. Hmm Today's tuesday and i don't even know! If not for Denny's blog, i thought today's still monday. Bahh Not Important, Okay anyway, on Monday, i had attachment and was on my way to training when suddenly elizabeth messaged telling me that training was cancelled, nobody told me. But that's not too bad, i went for U19 instead. So i went to fetch elizabeth first who was having her accounting lecture. Waited outside the lecture hall, and guess what? My ex-girl, she's in the same lecture as elizabeth. Not sure why but i'm freaking afraid to see her now. Ahha, anyway, on with yesterday, so elizabeth finished her lecture and went to change ( Seriously i didn't see the difference ) before heading down to hougang sports hall for the match. Had a great time talking to her on the way there, let's hope there's a next time then and I STILL OWE HER SHREK EARS! WTH! Reached hougang and met up with that FREAKER DENNY. OKAY OKAY SWEE, when you sad who was there for you you tell me? Now i sad then ask you go here go there cannot cannot don't want. AHAHAHA.It was huiting's match and although they lost, they did really well. At least they won a set. Good enough. After which we went to eat and denny laughed like mad and that rounds up everything. ( Sorry guys too lazy to type )Now, On To TODAY. All right as usual, went for attachment with the same boredom treatment. Hmmmm, Nothing much really today just that i decided to lead a healthy lifestyle! haha. SLEEP EARLY GET UP EARLY AND HEALTHY EXCERCISE WITH MY FYP FRIENDS ON EVERY SATURDAY. Hmm, maybe becuase of her, i decided to do this? I'm not sure either but anyway, it's good for me so there's no loss. And then had training and i suck! WTH, timing was bad, spiking was bad, stamina was bad, mood was quite bad, aiya everything's bad. I WANT TO GET INTO POLITE SUDDENLY! HOW?!?! Guess, i gotta train for it afterall although alex and javier say that i might still have a chance to fight for the last 12th seat.I think that's about it now, So Good night people and well, good night Sam.*Signs Off*
because you make me feel special.
;11:38 PM;
NAME: Sherman Foo Zhi Yuan
D.O.B: 9th July 1988
Age: I'm 22.
Insituition: Currently None)
Diploma: Multimedia And IT(MIT)
Instrument: Happy Cellist
Getting Serious and End Up Hurt
Feeling Empty
Getting Insulted Or Accused
Getting Scolded =(
Archives Of Reversed Time.
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
September 2007
June 2010
Blogger Technical Support: Lee Yik Loong
Blogger: Sherman Foo Zhi Yuan
Graphic Design: Blogskins
Music Host: Sherman Foo Zhi Yuan
Blog Director: Sherman Foo Zhi Yuan
Keep On Moving //