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Monday, June 14, 2010

Shouldn't have won.

Wo, 38 degrees. Seems like I'm getting sick like everybody else. Hope this period gets over soon. I just came back from a competition and I got through the first round! As such, I'd like to rate my performance "A". For extremely "Atrocious" and Absolutely Thrash. I didn't need boss to tell me but I already knew I had seriously disgraced not only myself but to the whole song. It was no excuse at all. I had no excuse to even be positive. I shouldn't even have won. When they announced that I got into the semi-finals, i wasn't even smiling.

This performance was the worst of my entire life and i'm utterly disappointed with myself. The very fact that I mixed up the lyrics was a total disgrace to Elson who came down to support me, to boss, to RIG and to the fans who came to listen to his song. I'd like to express my deepest apologies to senior Elson Soh for not respecting his song at all.

Today was marked a disaster and even though boss told me to accept the small failure and move on, I'd still like to reprimand myself because i thought boss didn't scold me enough. I did not remember the song, did not remember to express myself, did not.. heck, did not even remember whatever he taught me!

The semi-finals is this week and I am going to perform well. I. Am. Going. To Perform. Well. And i will drill my dance, as well as my lines to tip top and will not fail. I will pick up from this and change. This performance, although small has taught me something very important and i promise that I will very well do my best to change that. Going to rest now and get rid of my illness.

*Signing Out*

because you make me feel special. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
;12:05 AM;

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Training.. Training.... More Training!

Today was the day I met up with Julian, my dance choreographer for one of the song I'll be performing! The session was great! I learnt many interesting physiology from him as well as how the body connects. Amazing how dance works! After a not-yet so tiring drilling session with him, we went for jap food at some Jap Food Court at the old paradiz center (Oh yea we went to Danze People or something like that for training). It was over there i started feeling unwell as i started having diarrhoea and sore throat. Must had been something i had

After which, I had vocal training with boss and went home with quite a few heavy thoughts on my mind. I realised that I'm actually pretty fortunate in life when i was hearing him explain to everybody how everyone wants to be an artiste and yet refuses to be hardworking for it. For me, I think boss had been really quite patient with me and already had EVERYTHING planned out.

And then it dawned on me that being an artiste was not at all like how people thought it'll be. I don't deny that you sow what you reap but i think if you do not plan on where you're putting your seeds at the initial stage, the farm would be a huge mess. I used to have a slight naive thinking that if you can act and if you're not ugly, you can be an artiste, the rest don't matter. But training had made me realise that if A R T I S T E is spread ed out, I'm really still far from anything to even mention A.

And there was vocals, I was quite disappointed at myself that boss had to repeat the opening my mouth problem including the opera singing style i developed unknowingly. Hope to improve soon. Albeit i had to say that i was glad i started out with knowing nothing about singing to very VERY slowly, but surely hearing a tiny difference in my voice. Sometimes i wonder if my vocals can ever be workable. HAHA!

Anyway, I was on the bed thinking before i drifted off to the "land of wonders" and I thought the best way for me now is to learn and practice. That's all. I didn't mind the training at all, I liked the training even though it was tough. Even if I'm not an artiste, i will still want to go for training to really improve my voice not just to surprise everybody, but to determine myself that i am capable of all this.

If God gives you a fish, you'll be full for a day. But if God teaches you the skill to fish, you'll be full forever. Alright, see you guys soon gonna sleep now.

*Signing out*

because you make me feel special. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
;2:42 AM;

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Training with RIG

Today i had training with William of RIG for the first time as he wanted to hear my voice when it came to singing and boy, was it stressed or what! As there would be an upcoming performance coming soon, i was tasked with performing 2 songs chosen specially by William after listening to my demo i sent him. Amazing choice he made, the level of difficulty wasn't too hard for me and the fact that he could make such decision simply by listening only to the demo was simply amazing. Anyway, another girl, joy, was there too and also had her own songs to sing and William gave us a few basic techniques to start practicing at home.

It was a very interesting lesson because i never thought singing has such technicalities to tender to! So anyway, we had a surprise when our senior, Elson Soh, dropped by our class to welcome us even when he's still resting from his surgery! I must had got a shock coz i was alittle dumbfounded when i saw him. He was overall a very courteous and humble person when we talked and i realised he's actually the same age as me! But still, my senior nevertheless. :) But it was great to see him and I'm looking forward to meet all the 3 artistes soon.

After training, i went for rehearsals for Believe. Nothing much happened except for the last scene where i was suppose to cry, i finally cried! Sadly, even the director couldn't see me crying. HAHA Oh well, next time i guess.

It was great to see that the senior artistes were very supportive of us even though we were still new and thus I'd also like to take the chance to thank elson as well as everybody for taking care of me and do please teach me whenever I'm in the wrong. Everybody oil up! Jia You!

because you make me feel special. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
;10:03 PM;

Have I ever......

Told you that i came from a family who aspires to act? I'm serious! My parents are both very into soap opera since young and even performed on stage. My grandfather, who has unfortunately died, was actually a very famous opera scriptwriter during his time. My sister, Ashley, has a very good voice and like my dad, is passionate about singing and has plenty of performing experience since young. And eldest sis, Anella, well........... she's........... she's........ she's also interested in watching musicals! And there's me, I had been fascinated with actors ever since i knew what was a television. However, i never really had luck and opportunity when i was young and only had such chance when Ashley roped into Believe the musical 2007. It was only then i was exposed to the performing arts scene as well as opportunities to perform which was credit to Ashley.

Anyway, I'd like to take this chance to announce that i'm officially a part of Royal International Group (RIG) and also to express a very big THANK YOU to William of RIG for giving me a chance to part of the huge family as a member. I really appreciate what he had done for me so far.

So anyway, I had and outing with William yesterday to one of Youthbox's event at Farrer Park and he lectured me during lunch (That sounded like he was scolding me but nah! I'm just at a very sudden lost of appropriate words for it). We discussed on quite a few topics but mainly, it was about his artiste aka my senior Elson Soh 苏奕铨. I could tell that he was very proud and concerned about him due to the recent unfortunate throat incident. I'm just glad he's recovering well. I could also tell from our conversation that he is very proud of all his 3 artistes too.

Well, I hope to learn from them. Which reminds me, the Youthbox performers were really good too. There were so many things and stage etiquette i could learn from them. Quite a fruitful trip for me i guess. Lastly, i'm looking forward to meeting the performing artiste group from RIG and learn as much as possible. I might not have as much skill or experience as them but i hope to improve on that as time goes by.

*Signing Out*

because you make me feel special. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
;12:43 AM;

Friday, June 4, 2010

No Carb diet

Alright, updated my profile (Can you believe it? I was 19 when i did this) and here i am yakking about the day again. Here's alittle update about myself since the 3 years. I have already cleared my service to the government (Thank goodness) and now i'm back on track with what i've been doing mostly. But during these 2 years in the army i have developed and learned a set of skills that the army has given me.

I learned self discipline, and to be much more decisive with everything. I started realising the importance of a healthy lifestyle and started gyming to achieve that. In fact, i'm a member of the California Fitness Club at Raffles for about 5 months now! I'm glad and proud to say that i've gone from a zero fighter to a gold member in the Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT)! Which brings me back to the title

I shan't bore you with details of army life and get right back on the topic. You must be wondering, what's a No-Carb diet? I realised that gyming and doing cardio does build up muscles and bring down the fat percentage. Unfortunately, it isn't effective enough yet. And thus the no-carb diet. What people usually mean when they say"no carb" is a diet very low in carbohydrates, such as the inital phase of Atkins (person who devised this plan) diet. This is not meant to be a long term way of eating. (Got this from the internet)

And yes, it is INDEED difficult to stick to the Atkins plan. However, if effective, it can bring down your fat percentage rather aggressively which i'm trying to achieve so as to have a much toner body than i have now. It will be ongoing for 14 days and tml would be the 1st!. I shall update you guys on my 14 day fight against carbs so that people will actually understand the process.

I urge you girls not to try it because it's a fact that this is actually unhealthy and very risky. Without proper guidance and strict follow up plans (which i do have), it can be very damaging to your body system. So please, only do it if you have a proper guidance.

On a more lighter note, I went to watch Sex and the city 2. It was an interesting show but i have to say, towards the end i just kept looking at my watch coz the last train was moving off!

Alright, really have not much idea what i wrote actually because i'm really tired so i PROMISE to be more entertaining in the next post. Till then!

*Signing Out*

because you make me feel special. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
;1:20 AM;

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

4zillion years

Would probably be the estimated time it took for me to actually take a look at this once familiar yet so distant blog page. I was reading through all the posts that i used to write in this blog, I didn't know i was this funny! Haha kidding. But I can't actually remember how to pen down my feelings with pompous words anymore. I guess everybody has to start one time or another and my time would be now!

I guess there's a few pages to sweep up, profiles to update and fellow bloggers to add to my archive too. But for now, the most important of all.... I would really appreciate that guys come talk with me under the chatbox, you're more than welcome to chat with me through there. Alright let's start writing and i look forward to my readers!

*Signing out*

because you make me feel special. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
;11:41 PM;

Friday, September 14, 2007

Please Come for Believe Musical Play.
God, woke up sick with a very very bad throat. I can barely even breathe now. But anyway (Getting into the mood), HEY GUYS! how are you doing? Well anyway, seen my title? Okay if you have read this post, you will HAVE TO follow these steps.
1) Go to sistic website ( www.sistic.com )
2) At the search area, key in Believe.
3) There, you will see the results of the word typed and details of the play.
4) Click on Book Tickets.
5) Pay the desired amount.
6) Voila! I'll see you guys there. =)
Okay, this is sherman and nice seeing you guys around my blog. Signing out. =)
*Signs Off*

because you make me feel special. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
;11:08 AM;


make over
NAME: Sherman Foo Zhi Yuan
D.O.B: 9th July 1988
Age: I'm 22.
Insituition: Currently None)
Diploma: Multimedia And IT(MIT)
Instrument: Happy Cellist
Email: Time.Reversed@hotmail.com




Getting Serious and End Up Hurt
Feeling Empty
Getting Insulted Or Accused
Getting Scolded =(



Archives Of Reversed Time.

March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
September 2007
June 2010




Blogger Technical Support: Lee Yik Loong
Blogger: Sherman Foo Zhi Yuan
Graphic Design: Blogskins
Music Host: Sherman Foo Zhi Yuan
Blog Director: Sherman Foo Zhi Yuan


Keep On Moving //

Five .mp3
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